‘‘ICICI Investment Management Company Limited’ (“IIMCL”) (CIN:
U65990MH2000PLC124773), is a company registered under the Companies
Act, 2013, and is also a non-individual entity, is registered as an
‘Investment Advisor’ with Securities Exchange Board of India
(“SEBI”) since August 14, 2019 under SEBI (Investment Advisors)
Regulations, 2013 as updated or amended from time to time
(“Regulation”), bearing registration number INA000013785 & BASL
registration No. 1678, validity of same is perpetual. and having its
registered address at ICICI Bank Towers, Bandra Kurla Complex,
Bandra Suburban Mumbai-400051 . Telephone No. (+91 - 22) 2653 8890
Preksha Kedia has been appointed as Principal Officer as defined and
required under the said Regulation. Please find below the details of
Principal Officer, Compliance Officer, Grievance officer and
corresponding SEBI regional/local office address
Contact us
Contact details of the Principal Officer – Ms. Preksha Kedia Email
preksha.kedia@iciciinvestments.com, Mobile No. +91 9004418633 Telephone No. (+91 - 22) 2653 8890
Contact details of Compliance Officer & Grievance Officer: Ms.
Akila Shetty, Email id:
, Mob No.: +91-8657760755.
For more details or any queries/grievance/complaint, please write to
us . at
For escalation of complaints to SEBI, you may access SEBI SCORES
Corresponding SEBI regional/local office address: Plot No. C 4-A, G
Block, Near Bank of India, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra east,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400051